
Clifton Strengths and DISC: Powerful Assessments for Positive Results

We are trainers and coaches for two assessment tools that provide insight, knowledge, and positive affirmation for employees along with a better understanding of team member’s strengths and preferred approaches to accomplishing work.

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Moving Forward: From Customer Service to Customer Experience

Excellent businesses, those that are never satisfied with “good enough,” are investing heavily in the customer experience. The goal with this approach is to…

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Bridging the Great Communication Divide

Communicating effectively and frequently is vital to the success of businesses and organizations. When employees are “in the know” they are much more likely to…

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Would You Like to Work Here? Finding and Keeping Talented Employees.

Workplace culture has become front and center for organizations committed to long-term success and deservedly so. Attracting and keeping talent is essential for success. To the emerging young professional majority, the quality …

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Managers Matter the Most – Now More than Ever

Managers are the key to employee satisfaction, retention, growth, and productivity. The job of a manager is currently more challenging than ever with the on-going evolution of where and when work is accomplished combined with …

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Bringing Happiness to Life…and Work!

Happy people live better lives, are more content in the workplace, and contribute to positive work cultures. Happiness in today’s world can be fleeting and elusive for many people.

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Personalized Consulting

Customized, Innovative, Results Oriented. At Simply Superior Consulting we take pride in our effort to get to know your unique business or organization and the environment in which it operates. 

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Skillful Facilitating

Having an outside facilitator frees up all members of a group or organization to be participants and changes the “business as usual” dynamic. We have facilitated hundreds of meetings and we have the expertise required to make your meeting or discussion a productive one. 

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Navigating the New Normal: Strategic Planning in a Brave New World

Is it time to control events rather than letting events control you? How much longer can you afford “business as usual?” Deciding to stay the same in today’s world, where change is not only rapid but accelerating, is really a decision to fall behind.

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Building on Strengths: Common Sense Leadership for Uncommon Results

Senior leaders, those at the mid-level, and individuals providing leadership without a formal position all benefit and grow when they lead with their strengths. While managing their weaknesses, they focus on improving by accentuating their strengths.

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